AIITEU seeks intervention of Ministry of Labour and Employment, GoI in the Delayed Onboarding Issue by DXC Technology India

29 Jul 2024

The All India IT and ITeS Employees’ Union has sent a letter to the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Govt. of India, to highlight the alarming issue of delayed onboarding of a large number of recruits by DXC Technology India. On July 2, 2024, a large number of recruits reported to the union that all of them had received letters of intent from DXC Technology in July 2023 after successfully completing the aptitude, coding and HR rounds. It has now been more than 1 year since then, but none of the recruits have received the date of joining.

Upon receipt of the complaints, AIITEU diligently gathered information from the affected people and issued a press release on July 10, 2024 condemning this strategic exploitation of the recruits. On July 16, 2024, AIITEU sent a letter to Mr. Nachiket Vibhakar Sukhtankar, the Managing Director of DXC Technology (India Operations), urging him to look into the matter and immediately onboard the recruits. As no response arrived even after a week, AIITEU reported this incident to the Ministry of Labour & Employment, Govt. of India, thereby urging the Union Government to intervene and ensure that all the recruits are onboarded by DXC Technology without further delay.

AIITEU believes that the number of people who have associated themselves with the union seeking a resolution in this matter, represent just the tip of an iceberg. AIITEU hereby summons the rest of the people who are yet to be reached, to join this movement. A constant struggle by a consolidated force, fighting for a common cause, is the only way to find a resolution in this regard.